The Navigating Solo™ Podcast
Your Path to Dynamic Solo Aging Starts Here!™

Welcome to The Navigating Solo™ Podcast, a dedicated platform where we explore the unique needs and concerns of solo aging with a focus on empowerment, connection, and proactive planning.

As a trusted healthcare advocate and national expert in solo aging, I am thrilled to launch this podcast. I know each guest will provide valuable insights, practical advice, and supportive resources about navigating the complexities and opportunities of solo aging.

The Navigating Solo™ Podcast aims to:

  • Highlight innovative strategies and best practices for creating a fulfilling and secure future as a solo ager.

  • Equip solo agers with the knowledge and tools to thrive in their later years.

  • Foster a supportive community where listeners can share experiences and learn from and with one another.

  • ​​​Offer ​allied professionals interested in learning more about the unique needs and concerns of solo agers in-depth ​understanding​, ​expert ​perspectives​, ​and practical ​advice​ to help meet the needs of their clients and community members.

Thirty to forty-five minute episodes will be released on the first and third Wednesdays of each month!

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