Navigating Solo Virtual Winter Get Together, November 2023
On Thursday evening, November 16, 2023, attendees joined us for our Winter 2023 Get Together: Creative Ideas for Solo Agers to Navigate the Winter Holiday Season. Throughout the program participants joined us from California, Colorado, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Mexico, New York, and South Carolina.
What attendees said about the November 2023 event:
What was the most valuable thing you learned at the event?
“Everyone was very nice, friendly, and open.”
“Some people need a fair amount of support and specific ideas about how to inch out of their comfort zone.”
“Resources. I need to look around and see what is available in my area.”
“Great resources and ideas were offered.”
“Being together is helpful ... brainstorming ideas too ...”
“We're all in the same boat.”
“We need to get out of our comfort zones, just try stuff and keep showing up at groups where you feel comfortable, you will find your ‘tribe.’”
“Great ideas offered for making connections, sparked by the presentation material.”
“Not everyone is ‘bummed’ about navigating the holidays alone.”
What surprised you about the event?
“How easy it is to share with a bunch of people I really don't know.”
“Others dealing with same issues and yet how positive and at peace many are about this fraught season.”
“Making nice connections with each other in the discussion at the end!”
“I related to a lot of the people.”
“Some people seemed pretty inflexible when considering their options, they're a bit stuck.”
“Loved the ideas, new traditions or modified ones (stories of transitions)”
“It’s nice to know I’m not alone. I’ve only been to a few of these programs and I find them very supportive. The presentation was very useful.”
“It was nice to be part of a group sharing ideas and helpful information.”