Navigating Solo Virtual Fall Get Together, November 2022


On Thursday, November 10, 2022, 48 people attended our Navigating Solo Fall Get Together! Participants joined us from California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Virginia. There were opportunities for large and small group discussions and many resources were shared!

What attendees said about the November 2022 event:

What was the most valuable thing you learned at the event?

  • “I FELT the growth and strength of this solo aging cultural movement, and felt myself an integral part of it.”

  • “…strategies for navigating the holidays”

  • “…discussion about alternative housing ideas and local support communities”

  • “Assessment of all different needs (healthcare, housing, proxy, etc.) Tips for books, newsletter and associations to look into”

  • “[I was] provided with a wealth of great info and food for thought.”

  • “The experience gained from attending sessions over the past year have been most helpful. Thank you!”

  • ”I really enjoyed it all -- more than expected! It felt like a very comfortable and safe space…”

  • “Great energy, creativity, and optimism. Nice to see people at different phases of this journey.”


Navigating Solo Virtual Spring Get Together, March 2023


Navigating Solo Virtual Get Together, August 2022